Coordination – It protects your Private property Rights!

Pursuit of Happiness in Today’s United States: Dream or Reality? The Patriotic Answer of American Stewards of Liberty   Our Founding Fathers knew the human heart. They knew that with time, people tend to focus on and abuse of power like in Europe. They knew that rulers tend to redistribute power and money among their

Bills of Interest around the Country

Washington, D.C. White House and staffers of the House Judiciary Committee to meet early February to examine federal laws to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. HR 58 (Steve Scalise, LA) Firearms Interstate Commerce Reform Act, removes certain Federal restrictions on interstate firearms transactions. HR 227 (Sheila Jackson Lee, TX) Child

Edwards Aquifer Recovery Implementation Program

Edwards Aquifer Recovery Implementation Program and HB 2760 and companion SB 1595 HB 2760 and identical companion SB 1595 have been filed. They relate to species-protection programs for the Edwards Aquifer, the Guadalupe River Basin, the San Antonio River Basin, and the San Antonio Bay and estuary system and they impose, with voters’ approval, a